sexta-feira, 31 de maio de 2013

Some folks feel that if they can’t do all, then they may as well do nothing, but for the most part, life isn’t made up of extremes. “All” has so much pressure, and “nothing” accomplishes, well, nothing. How about some? Committing to “some” will make for manageable, gradual, lasting positive changes over time. Cut down on smoking, instead of quitting cold turkey. Make one better food choice per day, instead of taking on a strict, rigid diet. Take a 15 minute walk 3 times per week, instead of vowing to join a gym and workout 2 hours every day. Say no to a few people instead of giving all your time or quitting helping altogether. Donate $5 a month to a pet rescue instead of waiting for a lottery win to “save them all.” Looking back on the years, you’ll see just how much these changes added up, how much was accomplished, and how a whole lot of "somes" added up to something quite amazing. ~Doe Zantamata

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